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Things That Stop Latina Women From Being Attracted to You

It’s not unusual to want to be in a relationship with a Peruvian woman. After all, there’s a small stereotype that they’re all gorgeous to the point that any random woman on the street could be a supermodel and that they’re all passionate and loyal to their man.

Whether or not any of that stereotype is true or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the stereotype exists and it compels many men to want to date Peruvian women.

Girl staring at the camera with hand on her face.
You’re lucky to have a beautiful Peruvian lady as your girlfriend, so try your best to keep her happy.

The problem lies in that many men don’t know what attracts Latinas in general and Peruvian women specifically. They don’t know about all the things they’re doing that are making these women run as fast as they can in the opposite direction.

Thinking That They’re Easy

Some guys think that they’re some type of gift to women, that they’re the ultimate catch and that any woman would be lucky to have him. Because of this, they think that all they have to do to attract a Peruvian girl is to show up and crook their finger at them.

A lot of the time, they’re so wrong that it’s impossible to be more wrong, especially when it comes to these women.

Sure, they may seem somewhat carefree and easy-going at a glance, and for the most part, they are. But those traits do not carry over into dating. When it comes to dating, a guy is going to have to be patient because a Peruvian woman wants to be chased and they need to really get to know their guy before there’s even a hint of anything more than flirtation.

An Inability To Handle Spicy Food

A lot of food in Latin America is spicy and flavorful and Peru is no exception. Take Papa a la Huancaina for example. It’s boiled potato that is marinated in a pretty spicy and creamy Huancaina sauce, making for some flavorful dishes.

If your palate can’t handle that amount of spice and/or flavor, you’re not going to have much luck with Peruvian women who love that type of food.

If you can’t handle that type of food, she’ll probably think that you can’t handle her.

You’re Aimless In Life

There are times when life can feel a lot like a vast ocean and you’re smack dab in the middle of it and you’ve got no idea what direction leads to land. There’s nothing wrong with that, but aimlessness and a lack of ambition aren’t attractive to Peruvian women.

They want men who know what they want in life, know how to get it, and are actively trying to achieve that goal. You don’t have to want to take over the world, but you do need to have some kind of goal on your personal horizon.

You’re Deferential Or Kind Or Spineless

There’s a certain type of guy that’s attractive in Peru and that’s a macho, take-charge kind of guy. This is the kind of guy who knows where he’s taking his date and has already made reservations and, on some occasions, may even order the food ahead of time. This is the kind of guy who knows he’s a catch and knows that the woman he’s with is also a catch and is taking the lead to win her over.

Peruvian women like a man who can be assertive when he needs to be. So while you don’t have to become an Alpha male when you head to Peru to win them over, you do need to have a backbone.

You’re Pushy With PDA

Peruvian women might seem carefree and a little free-spirited, so you might assume that a little bit of PDA isn’t something they’re going to balk at. Hugging and kissing might be fine, but you’re not going to get anything more than that when there are other people around.

You Don’t Speak Spanish And You’re Not Willing To Learn

Should you learn your partner’s language? When you first date a Peruvian woman, you may not be required to know any Spanish. But, eventually, you’re going to have to learn. And if you don’t even attempt to learn her language, that’s not going to play over well with a Peruvian woman. She’s going to think that you’re not serious about her because you’re not willing to learn about her culture.

Woman on the phone.
You should learn her language so you can communicate better.

You’ve Got A Bad Relationship With Your Family

In a lot of South American cultures like Peru, family is the most important part of society. Latin families are very close-knit, whether they like it or not. To them, blood is much, much thicker than water.

So if you have a bad relationship, that’s a pretty big red flag for a lot of Peruvian women. Now, you might be off the hook if your family is out of the picture because you’re an orphan or something like that, but otherwise, you’re going to have to have your family in your life and you’re going to have to have a good relationship with them.

You Don’t Take Care Of Your Appearance

You know how there are so many beautiful women in Peru? How effortless it seems for them to be so stunning and gorgeous. But it only looks effortless. There are definitely women out there who wake up in the morning looking like they’re ready to cover models, but the vast majority of beautiful women put effort into their appearance.

Now, if you manage to land a date with a Peruvian woman, you need to put some effort into your own appearance. Coming to a date smelling like cheese and looking slovenly isn’t just frowned upon, it’s a little disrespectful.

There are a lot of things that you can do to attract the attention of beautiful Peruvian women. But there are also a lot of things that you can do to stop that attention from ever landing on you. Some of these things might not even be conscious on your part. But the more aware you are of the problems, the more you can work to correct them.